Wednesday, August 18, 2010

100 Billion Galaxies. & A Lot of Work to do on Earth.

Two things on my mind because two outstanding thoughts were presented to me today. Which makes today great!!

Fistly, just got back from my first iMax experience. Experienced Hubble 3D. All I can say is wow. And refer back to a previous post, I've re-embedded the video below because it is just fantastic to see perspective put to all the numbers (with 23 0's at the end). It's great, but it ain't got nothing on Hubble 3D which allows us to travel through our galaxy getting us up close and personal with nebulae and flying through the galaxies. Awe-inspiring stuff. “Dazzling” – New York Times, “Spectacular” – L.A. Times, “Out of this world” – Variety; are some other (more authoritative comments).

Secondly, I was privilidged today to hear Andrew Hewett, Executive Director of Oxfam speak at one of our Lunch and Learn sessions. He's a incredible man. Vastly knowledgeable, he's been working in the humanitarian arena for a long time, having started working at Oxfam in 1991, he has a bias towards advocacy and campaigning. I learned so much hearing him speak. What stuck was the idea that we as NGO's need to cause change in bigger organisations, and rate ourselves on the CHANGES we've managed to influence rather than how much money we've raised. It makes so much sense because real change in policy, and real change in the GLOBAL POPULATION is how we'll solve our worlds troubles. He talked about ACTIVE CITIZENS, a term I am loving. It conjures up all sorts of great ideas about citizens of a each and every country taking ownership working towards the greater good.

Enjoy the video.

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Graphic designer, songwriter, creative thinker who wants to do some good in this crazy world. Sharing inspiration from design, science, art & social well-being.