Thursday, April 19, 2012

6.2 billion cars into a 1 foot by 1 foot box = 1 nucleus

If only science lessons were this much fun when I was at school.
Love it.

If you're interested in wrapping your head around the size of a nucleus, check out the fabulous TedEx lesson.

Monday, April 16, 2012

...enter either the make believe or the real

Parisian* Noemie Goudal, originally a graphic designer and illustrator, and now a photographer creates work that is wonderfully art directed. She cleverly mixes the organic with the man-made.

Talking about her work in an interview with the British Journal of Photography she says “I wanted to mix the two worlds to see how they interact. I wanted to see how much you can enter either the make believe or the real.”

And if you were in any doubt of the talent, check out the impressive list of awards:
IPA, Fine Art, Second Prize, 2009
Leica Prize, Shortlisted for the Exhibition, 2010
ITS#EIGHT, Pitti Immagine Award, 2009
Fujifilm Merit Student Award 2007
D&AD, Student of the year 2006

*It just oozes fabulousness saying she's Parisian, though she does live in London now. 

Creativity is not a talent. It is a way of operating.

Loving hearing John Cleese talk about creativity. Creative thinking is a topic I love learning about, and practicing. 

And my two cents, if you're in a 'brainstorming meeting' be sure to throw every idea on the table – no matter how crazy. Keeping ideas playful and spontaneous is key. Definitely do not start self-editing for fear of laughter. You never know where the 'big idea' will come from, and all ideas are valid for the sake of stimulating other thoughts if nothing else.

Enjoy Mr Cleese and his five key factors to help your creativity: 
• Space
• Time
• Time (yup)
• Confidence
• Humour

This was recorded in 1991, but just as valid today as it was then.

(Snippet with the five factors):

(The whole lecture):

And thanks to for the inspiration. 

About Me

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Graphic designer, songwriter, creative thinker who wants to do some good in this crazy world. Sharing inspiration from design, science, art & social well-being.