Rick was born more than 40 years ago without the ability to talk, walk or barely move. Doctors told Dick and his wife to put Rick in an institution. They didn't. And this moving video just goes to show that they made the right decision. See how this father-son duo started running marathons and why it brings joy to Rick's life. There's also an amazing 58 year old legally blind man. Just goes to show. We really can do anything we put our minds to.
Sharing inspiration from the worlds of design, science, art and social wellbeing. Stories of human potential, the beauty of what exists right now, and working towards the Greater Good.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
So moving. One of my colleagues in Pakistan.
I fantasize about being able to help in an emergency. But watching this video makes me want to cry. I just want to acknowledge the work humanitarian organisations are doing over there.. and those individuals who risk their own lives to make a difference in these situations.
Don’t miss this fantastic story on Pakistan featuring Save the Children aid worker and Melburnian Claire Sanford which aired in many CNN territories across the world.
Don’t miss this fantastic story on Pakistan featuring Save the Children aid worker and Melburnian Claire Sanford which aired in many CNN territories across the world.
School of Thinking
Not much is given away these days. But the School of Thinking offers us a training solution that helps us expand the way we think. I enjoyed it and think it's well worth sharing.
Excerpt from School of Thinking website.
Why be interested in increasing your own speed of thought?
If you don’t upgrade your brain software then you’ll be stuck with what you’ve got.
Although this sounds a bit like a TV advertorial (But wait there’s more!) I’ve listed some of the many real benefits that can come from increasing your own speed of thought:
• be more open-minded
• be better able to escape from your point-of-view
• be able to see more opportunities
• be faster at solving problems
• enjoy making decisions
• increase your survival skills
• be fitter in the marketplace
• be more effective at planning
• get much better results
• find it easier to be creative
• be faster to take advantage of changes in circumstances
• get things done quicker
• think more and worry less
• lower your stress levels
• increase your family’s peace and happiness
• see information in new and more useful ways
• generate better and better alternatives
• apply speed of thought to your personal and family life
• be better at sports and career problems and opportunities
• be a speed thinker!
How can I double my Speed of Thought?
A simple way is by daily training.
If you wish you can get this training pro bono from the School of Thinking.
Excerpt from School of Thinking website.
Why be interested in increasing your own speed of thought?
If you don’t upgrade your brain software then you’ll be stuck with what you’ve got.
Although this sounds a bit like a TV advertorial (But wait there’s more!) I’ve listed some of the many real benefits that can come from increasing your own speed of thought:
• be more open-minded
• be better able to escape from your point-of-view
• be able to see more opportunities
• be faster at solving problems
• enjoy making decisions
• increase your survival skills
• be fitter in the marketplace
• be more effective at planning
• get much better results
• find it easier to be creative
• be faster to take advantage of changes in circumstances
• get things done quicker
• think more and worry less
• lower your stress levels
• increase your family’s peace and happiness
• see information in new and more useful ways
• generate better and better alternatives
• apply speed of thought to your personal and family life
• be better at sports and career problems and opportunities
• be a speed thinker!
How can I double my Speed of Thought?
A simple way is by daily training.
If you wish you can get this training pro bono from the School of Thinking.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
The Venus Project Tour with Jacque Fresco : trailer
A wonderful man who has made it his lifes purpose to look at possible solutions to the world's problems.
You can find out more about him from Wikipedia.
I think he's a special person in the world. And it's exciting that a movement has grown up around his resource-based-economy ideas.
You can find out more about him from Wikipedia.
I think he's a special person in the world. And it's exciting that a movement has grown up around his resource-based-economy ideas.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
100 Billion Galaxies. & A Lot of Work to do on Earth.
Two things on my mind because two outstanding thoughts were presented to me today. Which makes today great!!
Fistly, just got back from my first iMax experience. Experienced Hubble 3D. All I can say is wow. And refer back to a previous post, I've re-embedded the video below because it is just fantastic to see perspective put to all the numbers (with 23 0's at the end). It's great, but it ain't got nothing on Hubble 3D which allows us to travel through our galaxy getting us up close and personal with nebulae and flying through the galaxies. Awe-inspiring stuff. “Dazzling” – New York Times, “Spectacular” – L.A. Times, “Out of this world” – Variety; are some other (more authoritative comments).
Secondly, I was privilidged today to hear Andrew Hewett, Executive Director of Oxfam speak at one of our Lunch and Learn sessions. He's a incredible man. Vastly knowledgeable, he's been working in the humanitarian arena for a long time, having started working at Oxfam in 1991, he has a bias towards advocacy and campaigning. I learned so much hearing him speak. What stuck was the idea that we as NGO's need to cause change in bigger organisations, and rate ourselves on the CHANGES we've managed to influence rather than how much money we've raised. It makes so much sense because real change in policy, and real change in the GLOBAL POPULATION is how we'll solve our worlds troubles. He talked about ACTIVE CITIZENS, a term I am loving. It conjures up all sorts of great ideas about citizens of a each and every country taking ownership working towards the greater good.
Enjoy the video.
Fistly, just got back from my first iMax experience. Experienced Hubble 3D. All I can say is wow. And refer back to a previous post, I've re-embedded the video below because it is just fantastic to see perspective put to all the numbers (with 23 0's at the end). It's great, but it ain't got nothing on Hubble 3D which allows us to travel through our galaxy getting us up close and personal with nebulae and flying through the galaxies. Awe-inspiring stuff. “Dazzling” – New York Times, “Spectacular” – L.A. Times, “Out of this world” – Variety; are some other (more authoritative comments).
Secondly, I was privilidged today to hear Andrew Hewett, Executive Director of Oxfam speak at one of our Lunch and Learn sessions. He's a incredible man. Vastly knowledgeable, he's been working in the humanitarian arena for a long time, having started working at Oxfam in 1991, he has a bias towards advocacy and campaigning. I learned so much hearing him speak. What stuck was the idea that we as NGO's need to cause change in bigger organisations, and rate ourselves on the CHANGES we've managed to influence rather than how much money we've raised. It makes so much sense because real change in policy, and real change in the GLOBAL POPULATION is how we'll solve our worlds troubles. He talked about ACTIVE CITIZENS, a term I am loving. It conjures up all sorts of great ideas about citizens of a each and every country taking ownership working towards the greater good.
Enjoy the video.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
This Thursday is World Humanitarian Day.
I wanted to share this email with you. It's from Mike Penrose, Director of Emergency Programmes, Save the Children. It's so moving for me to work in an organisation like Save the Children. People I work with have lost friends and colleagues, and it's made even sadder because they were all making a stand for the world... making a positive difference.
Mike writes and speaks really well (if you ever get a chance to hear him speak I recommend it). He's been 'there' and seen 'that'. Horrors we can't even imagine. Today and yesterday I was working on the creation of Emergency Appeal ads for the Pakistan Floodings Appeal. I have spent hours looking at images from the last few days. Heartbreaking imagery, and the quotes are devastatingly sad. It's been a tough couple of days, sitting at my computer being moved to sadness by these images. I wonder, what would it be like 'on the field', in real life when all the senses are involved.
Oh boy. Just put my really hectic couple of workdays into perspective.
World Humanitarian Day was created a year ago to celebrate the successes of global humanitarian action and to remind the world of the risks that emergency humanitarian workers face each day.
Last year we lost 109 colleagues and friends to violence (more than UN peacekeeping), that is one of us every three and a half days, and another 92 were kidnapped, but despite these risks we delivered life saving assistance to millions of hungry, displaced and vulnerable people.
By the end of this week the Save the Children Australia emergencies team will have 5 staff members in Pakistan responding to the devastating floods currently affecting 20 million people. Over the past year we have directly responded with people, technical support and money to disasters in Indonesia, the Philippines, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, Haiti, Samoa, Sudan, The Democratic Republic of the Congo and Somalia to name a few.
Most of us in SCA Emergencies who have been in this profession for a long period of time have lost colleagues and friends, and some of us have experienced violence first hand, but all directly or indirectly involved have made a difference. We are all part of this.
Can I ask that you go to the attached website, watch the video and read the factsheets to remind yourselves what we do, and why we do it. It is easy to get lost in statistics of disasters and the requirements of day to day life, so please remember, these are real people we talk about, real children we work with, and all have the same hopes dreams and fears as you and I.
Thank you very much for your ongoing support, and can I urge you to continue to work hard to ensure that the millions of children we serve, in Pakistan and elsewhere, are given a chance to life, happiness and opportunity.
Mike writes and speaks really well (if you ever get a chance to hear him speak I recommend it). He's been 'there' and seen 'that'. Horrors we can't even imagine. Today and yesterday I was working on the creation of Emergency Appeal ads for the Pakistan Floodings Appeal. I have spent hours looking at images from the last few days. Heartbreaking imagery, and the quotes are devastatingly sad. It's been a tough couple of days, sitting at my computer being moved to sadness by these images. I wonder, what would it be like 'on the field', in real life when all the senses are involved.
Oh boy. Just put my really hectic couple of workdays into perspective.
World Humanitarian Day was created a year ago to celebrate the successes of global humanitarian action and to remind the world of the risks that emergency humanitarian workers face each day.
Last year we lost 109 colleagues and friends to violence (more than UN peacekeeping), that is one of us every three and a half days, and another 92 were kidnapped, but despite these risks we delivered life saving assistance to millions of hungry, displaced and vulnerable people.
By the end of this week the Save the Children Australia emergencies team will have 5 staff members in Pakistan responding to the devastating floods currently affecting 20 million people. Over the past year we have directly responded with people, technical support and money to disasters in Indonesia, the Philippines, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, Haiti, Samoa, Sudan, The Democratic Republic of the Congo and Somalia to name a few.
Most of us in SCA Emergencies who have been in this profession for a long period of time have lost colleagues and friends, and some of us have experienced violence first hand, but all directly or indirectly involved have made a difference. We are all part of this.
Can I ask that you go to the attached website, watch the video and read the factsheets to remind yourselves what we do, and why we do it. It is easy to get lost in statistics of disasters and the requirements of day to day life, so please remember, these are real people we talk about, real children we work with, and all have the same hopes dreams and fears as you and I.
Thank you very much for your ongoing support, and can I urge you to continue to work hard to ensure that the millions of children we serve, in Pakistan and elsewhere, are given a chance to life, happiness and opportunity.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Going West, Maurice Gee. Stunning.
This is a short film made for the New Zealand Book Council, featuring an excerpt from Maurice Gee's novel Going West. It's very beautiful.
FYI. Maurice Gee is one of New Zealand’s ten greatest living artists (according to Arts Foundation of New Zealand 2003).
Before I saw this I didn't know there was a genre called 'cut paper animation'. But apparently there is. And this film was awarded plenty of glint, winning an international prize for paper cut animation by New York’s Museum of Art and Design,the grand prize award at Moving Paper, an international film festival of cut paper animation and two Axis Gold awards.
So, if you are not one of the 840,000 youtube viewings that've gone before, I highly recommend the experience. The 2minutes is well worth it.
FYI. Maurice Gee is one of New Zealand’s ten greatest living artists (according to Arts Foundation of New Zealand 2003).
Before I saw this I didn't know there was a genre called 'cut paper animation'. But apparently there is. And this film was awarded plenty of glint, winning an international prize for paper cut animation by New York’s Museum of Art and Design,the grand prize award at Moving Paper, an international film festival of cut paper animation and two Axis Gold awards.
So, if you are not one of the 840,000 youtube viewings that've gone before, I highly recommend the experience. The 2minutes is well worth it.
A real human interface. I love creative people.
I watched this about a year ago...so it's not exactly new. But it sure did make me smile.
It's another of those simple but very cool little movies that inspires me so, mostly because any of us could make something like this, no film crew necessary. Love it!!
It's another of those simple but very cool little movies that inspires me so, mostly because any of us could make something like this, no film crew necessary. Love it!!
Hi from Multitouch Barcelona on Vimeo.
The Esther Benjamins Trust. Doing some real good work in Nepal.
Driven to Rescue. from Vicki Lines on Vimeo.
Very poor parents are being promised their children will receive education and money, when in truth they are being trafficked into Indian circuses, or brothels.
These families are poor, undernourished, covered in lice. They think they are sending their children to a better life. Most often they can't read or write so they make their mark on the contracts that they can't read.
Fortunately for the kids in this video (who live in at-risk areas) they were driven away to a better life through Esther Benjamins Trust.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
What really matters is how smart the collective brain is.
Imagine what you'd need to do if you had to create your own reading light to read a book tonight?
Fascinating (as Ted always is) here is a talk about innovation through collaborative thinking... ideas that are born of many other ideas. Or as British author Matt Ridley puts it, what's happening is that "ideas are having sex with each other."
An intersting take on how society is as it is...
Trade is older than farming. Exchange caused specialisation. Does lack of exchange reverse innovation?
So we, society, are neurons in a bigger collective brain. Another exmaple of the spiritual wisdom that tells us we are part of the whole. A part of the matrix of totality.
24,000 Children will DIE today. We can do something to STOP THIS.
Every year children like Tamba die needlessly from easily treatable causes, like diarrhoea. We believe every child deserves to live. And we know the difference you can make. Your $10 dollars a month can save the life of a child today.
FIND OUT MORE.savethechildren.org.au/everyone
Is it true we learn from the challenges we face?
The most beautiful stones have been tossed by the wind & washed by water & polished to brilliance by lifes strongest storms.
I wanted to share this quote. I heard it recently whilst listening to an audio book by Dr Wayne W Dyer. He got it in a card from a friend.
...Lovely. True.
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Blog Archive
- Human Commitment
- So moving. One of my colleagues in Pakistan.
- School of Thinking
- The Venus Project Tour with Jacque Fresco : trailer
- 100 Billion Galaxies. & A Lot of Work to do on Earth.
- This Thursday is World Humanitarian Day.
- Going West, Maurice Gee. Stunning.
- A real human interface. I love creative people.
- The Esther Benjamins Trust. Doing some real good w...
- What really matters is how smart the collective br...
- 24,000 Children will DIE today. We can do somethin...
- Is it true we learn from the challenges we face?
About Me

- Rachel Anning
- Graphic designer, songwriter, creative thinker who wants to do some good in this crazy world. Sharing inspiration from design, science, art & social well-being.